Steamed cheese rice - Mpasi 9m. Kenaikkan BB ara lagi irit nih. jadi aku bikin makanan yang lebih banyak lemak dan double protein. — Find me on instagram : @renataaprianti. Dan Aku pakai rice cooker utk khusu memasak. Anakku lagi bosan makan bubur nih kayaknya.
I introduce Sichuan version this time.
This is a very famous and popular dish in China but I guess it is unknown to most of non-Chinese.
Bingung cari ide Resep Mpasi yang Pas Buat Steamed Tahu Udang Mpasi - Mpasi Edamamejagung - Schotel Mpasi - Chicken Nugget Mpasi.
Kamu dapat memasak Steamed cheese rice - Mpasi 9m menggunakan 8 bahan dan 6
Langkah. Inilah cara kamu mencapai itu .
Bahan-Bahan Steamed cheese rice - Mpasi 9m
- Siapkan 4 sdm , nasi putih.
- Siapkan 1 butir , telur.
- Siapkan , Wortel diparut.
- Siapkan , Buncis dicincang kecil.
- Siapkan 1 lembar , keju prochiz.
- Siapkan 1 sdt , nutrional yeast (optional).
- Siapkan , ub.
- Siapkan , evoo.
The best part about this cheesy rice recipe is that it's great both hot or cold. Place rice and water in a heavy pot. First cook rice without lid at high heat until it boils. Add salt (if using), stir to incorporate, cover, and reduce heat to low.
Cara pembuatan Steamed cheese rice - Mpasi 9m
- Kocok telur dalam wadah, masukkan nasi, wortel, buncis aduk rata tambahkan nutrional yeast.
- Siapkan alumunium foil yang sudah diolesi ub.
- Masukkan adonan tadi kedalamnya. Beri taburan keju diatasnya.
- Kukus selama 15-20 menit. Tunggu hingga matang.
- Saat disajikan tambahkan evoo.
- Siap sajikan dengan penuh ❤.
Steamed Rice is the most basic way to make rice. They are made on a day to day basis by people all around the country. These rice are very easy to make, all you need is the rice and some water. You can even fry steamed rice later on with some vegetables of your choice to give them a twist of taste. The Best Steamed Cheese Cake Recipes on Yummly