Banana pancake healty food. Easy, flourless and sugar-free banana oat pancakes are a healthy, filling breakfast served with fresh fruit and can be made in minutes. These two-ingredient banana pancakes have been floating around the internet for several years now, first on fitness sites (protein! low fat!) and These pancakes are gluten-free and dairy-free — they really are made with just bananas and eggs, no tricks. Garnish your pancakes with your favorite toppings!
One was focusing more on my health and eating healthy, energy producing foods.
As I'm trying to do that for myself, I am also working to provide those kinds of meals.
These kid friendly Healthy Banana Pancakes are easy to make and so fluffy and tasty.
Kamu dapat memasak Banana pancake healty food menggunakan 9 bahan dan 6
Langkah. Inilah cara kamu mencapai itu .
Bahan-Bahan Banana pancake healty food
- Siapkan 2 buah , pisang.
- Siapkan 1 1/2 cup , oat meal.
- Siapkan 1 sdm , mayonaise.
- Siapkan 1/4 sdt , baking powder.
- Siapkan 1 butir , telur.
- Siapkan 1 sdm , margarin.
- Siapkan , Topping.
- Siapkan , Keju.
- Siapkan , Strowberry.
These are a must try for any pancake lover. Banana oatmeal pancakes made right in the blender! Banana oatmeal pancakes made right in the blender! Thank you for making healthy, vegan and gluten free food so delicious!
Cara pembuatan Banana pancake healty food
- Haluskan pisang bisa di blender juga.
- Masukkan semua bahan ke mangkuk kecuali margarin.
- Aduk semua bahan dan pisang yang sudah halus sampai benar" tercampur rata.
- Panaskan teflon dan kasih margarin sedikit demi sedikit biar gak berminyak pancake nya.
- Tuang adonan sedikit" (me jadi 3 bagian) jangan lupa api nya paling kecil.
- Tumpuk adonan yang sudah jadi kasih topping keju & strowberry (bisa topping lainnya).
This Banana Protein Pancakes recipe is Protein-packed and naturally sweetened with bananas. No guilt needed while you enjoy this pancake breakfast that will keep you full until lunchtime. Depending on how you make your pancakes will determine how healthy they are. Yes, pancake with banana can be uber healthy! And you'll be hooked once you have a bite of these healthier alternatives!